Who I WorkWith
I work in partnership with brave, committed families who are respectful, receptive and responsible. I work with families who are ready to turn their individual obstacles into an exciting opportunity. Families come in all shapes, sizes and circumstances and so do my partnerships with them. This means that sometimes I work with just one person, and sometimes with the whole family or organisation, such as a school. What is so wonderful about this work is that even by working with one brave person, the positive ripple effects of our work can spread through the whole network.
Over the years, I have partnered with a countless number of individuals and families around their shared goals and specific targets for freedom. The following are some of the examples of my joint work with them:
child or parental improved mental health (e.g. self-harm, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive behaviour, self-esteem, trauma, angry outbursts)
exam or work stress
working through interpersonal conflicts and other life transitions (e.g. divorce, relationship problems, repeating unhelpful patterns of relating to others)
negative internal dialogue and undue self criticism
breaking down barriers in achieving one’s full potential
parental sense of inner control
cooperation rather than fight for control between parents and teenagers
allowing teenagers to safely individuate from their parents, whilst allowing parents to continue to feel involved and supportive of their growing teens
greater sense of connectivity in family, including rebuilding of trust
bravery to say what needs saying and encourage active listening
a genuine sense of understanding others and being understood by them
recognising signs of mental health problems, and many more.